ZJSTV ZheJiang Satellite TV - China Television

ZJSTV which stands for ZheJiang Satellite TV is a 24-hour Mandarin language Entertainment channel. This channel provides a wide range of programming content including immediate news, current affairs, entertainment, children programming and education. It is marked with its regional characteristic of Eastern coastal China, aiming to creating branded programs reflecting Zhejiang’s economic features and pursuing the distinction among its peers. 

Address 111 Moganshan Lu
Phone +86 (0)571 8807 5408 / 7050 / 519 5157
Fax +86 (0)571 8807 5240 / 519 5181
Email zjstv@mail.cztv.comwebmaster@mail.cztv.comzjhztv@mail.hz.zj.cnzjtv@public1.hz.zj.cn
Official website http://www.zjstv.com
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