Zee Smile - India Television

 Zee Smile is a niche comedy channel from Zee Network. It made its appearance in the late 2003. This channel, as the name suggests, provides fun, laughter and entertainment round-the-clock with a wide range of entertainment with daily soaps, game shows, comedy chat shows and comedy movies. The programmes on this channel reflect only the lighter side of life. Their programmes are geared towards bringing hope, and not despair to the viewers. 

Address Chintamani Plaza, 3rd Floor Off Andheri Kurla Road, Chakala, Andheri (East)
Phone +91 (0)22 2493 9694 / 2496 2419 / 3743
Fax +91 (0)22 2493 1925 / 1938 / 2496 2413 / 4334
Email zeetv@zeenetwork.comresponse@zeenetwork.cominfo@zeenetwork.com
Official website http://www.zeetelevision.com
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