WMVS-TV PBS Milwaukee - United States Television

WMVS is a television station in Milwaukee, WI that serves the Milwaukee television market. The station runs programming from the PBS network and identifies itself as “MPTV”. WMVS is a digital educational full-power television station that operates with 251 kilowatts of power.

Address 1036 N. 8th Street MATC Continuing Education (C) Bldg.
Phone +1 414 271 1036 / 297 7514 / 7520
Fax +1 414 297 7536 / 6771
Email tvviewer@matc.edu – tvviewer@gwise1.milwaukee.tec.wi.us
Official website http://www.mptv.org
Living Streaming
Schedule Schedule
Logo WMVS-TV PBS Milwaukee

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