KWSE-TV PBS Williston - United States Television

KWSE is a full service television station in Williston, North Dakota, broadcasting on local digital UHF channel 51 and virtual channel 4. Founded in 1983, it is owned by Prairie Public Broadcasting, Inc. and branded as Prairie Public Television. It is a member station of PBS (Public Broadcasting Service.) Prairie Public Television is also supported and viewed by communities in Minnesota and Manitoba, Canada. In addition to its PBS programming, KWSE airs locally produced programs with information concerning local interest, culture, history and education. KWSE is a multiplexed channel, with Prairie Public and PBS programming carried on 4.1; on 4.2 is World, with news and information; Minnesota Channel (MN Channel) is carried on 4.3, with regional, locally produced programming from Minnesota’s Twin Cities Public Television, and on 4.4 is PBS Lifelong Learning Channel, featuring instructional programs and encore airings of PBS primetime shows.

Official website
Living Streaming
Schedule Schedule

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