KNXT-TV Fresno - United States Television

KNXT is a full service television station in Visalia, California, broadcasting on local digital UHF channel 50 to the Fresno, California area and on local digital channel 39 in Bakersfield, California. Founded in 1986, it is owned by Diocese of Fresno Education Corporation. KNXT is an independent Roman Catholic station, designated as an educational station and broadcasting content from EWTN, daily and Sunday Mass, talk shows, and movies. KNXT is the only full-power, twenty-four-hour Catholic-owned over-the-air broadcast station in the United States.

Address 1550 N. Fresno St.
Phone +1 559 488 7440
Fax +1 559 488 7444
Official website
Living Streaming
Schedule Schedule
Logo KNXT-TV Fresno

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