Horizon Channel - Hong Kong Television

 Horizon Channel is a 24-hour general interest service from Hong Kong offering programming in both Mandarin and Cantonese at a ratio of approximately 1:3 (i.e., 25% Mandarin/75% Cantonese). Horizon Channel offers a wide range of programming including entertainment news, variety shows, drama series, news and public affairs, cultural and documentary programs. 

Address 4/F Cable TV tower, 9 Hoi Shing Road Tsuen Wan
Phone +852 2112 6388 / 6622 / 8326 4910
Fax +852 2157 0482
Email info@hkicstv.cominfo_horizon@i-cable.comcustomerservice@cabletv.com.hkeditor@i-cable.cominfo@i-cablecomm.com
Official website http://www.hkicstv.com
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