Helena Civic TV - United States Television
Helena Civic Television is the culmination of over 10 years’ effort by a dedicated group of local citizens. The Helena Television Coalition, Inc., worked with local government officials to negotiate a franchise agreement with the local cable TV provider. Franchise fees collected from cable customers provide the financial basis for HCTV. This is how community-based “public, educational, and governmental” (PEG) television stations are funded across the country.
Address | c/o Helena Civic Television 1015 Poplar Street |
Phone | +1 406 444 3267 / 447 1608 |
Fax | +1 406 447 1609 |
hctv@bresnan.net – ksharris@mt.gov – smaly@mt.gov | |
Official website | http://helenacivictv.org/television-montana/ |
Living Streaming | |
Schedule | Schedule |
Logo |