Aakaash - India Television

Aakaash is a Bengali channel that is based in Kolkata, India. Launched in 2001 Aakaash is packed with infotainment for every member in the family, touching all the emotions and aspirations of the Bengalis. This channel provides a wide range of programmes like telefilms, dramas, comedies, soaps, thrillers, cartoons, feature films, sports and news. 

Address 225E, A.J.C. Bose Road
Phone +91 (0)33 3090 1762 / 1704 / 2289 2290
Fax +91 (0)33 2281 7001 / 2289 2289 / 2476 9070
Email marketing@aakaashbangla.comakash_b@vsnl.netaakaash@channeleight.comashok@channeleight.com
Official website http://www.aakaash-bangla.com
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